All items handmade in the Finger Lakes...please allow 5-7 business days for production.

Today I am sitting at my desk, three cups of coffee into my morning, and practically bursting out of my chair.  WHY?

I just created my first painting process video...woot woot!

Can I say that I am super proud of myself? Ha! Making a process video has been on my to-do list for YEARS, I'm talking 3+ years, and life (and let's be honest also fear) has gotten in the way.  But I am in major growth mode right now so here I go!

Enough about me tho, this one is actually about YOU.  Yes, you! I created this little kitty as a big 'ol "thank you" for all of the support you give me on this crazy IT'S YOURS FOR FREE!

That's right.  You need a last minute addition to your Halloween decor? Or you just love black cats? I've got you covered.  This one is for you. 

Click here for the FREE download!



P.S. Are you enjoying my content and freebies? Great! Join the fun! Sign up for my newsletter and get VIP access to my artsy shenanigans!


October 09, 2020 by Eleanor Rhinehart